The Fringe, which is a fringe festival originally created around the Edinburgh International Festival (which is rather more posh/high brow/full of itself), but which has completely outgrown its older sibling, and is now (according to the all-encompassing knowledge of
Wikipedia, anyway) the world's largest arts' festival, (and I realise this sentence had altogether too many sub-clauses) has begun!
I know this, in part because the Edinburgh Tattoo (which is part of the Edinburgh International Festival bit) means F-somethingorothers are flying over my flat, and various fireworks display explode in the same location. And, of course, I know this because the town is
full. There is nowhere to run. Or walk. Mostly you will just be stuck behind some idiot who thinks sheep dolls or recreations of the Loch Ness monster with a tartan hat are much too fascinating to leave any brain power for moving out of the way for a student hunting for a bottle of milk in the corner shop.
It started on the 7th (the Fringe, not the invasion of idiot tourists). So why is it I don't write about it till today? The truth is, I have been hiding in my room, sticking fingers in my ear, turning the volume of iTunes up and pretending the world is a nice place without quite so many
people. But today I finally ventured out of my flat and faced the world of stand-up comedy that is the Free Fringe.
I wrote an article about ...
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