Tim og Rebekah introduserte meg nylig til en bok jeg aldri hadde hørt om. Den heter
1066 And All That; A Memorable History of England, comprising all the parts you can remember, including 103 Good Things, 5 Bad Kings and 2 Genuine Dates
og er skrevet av Walter Carruthers Sellar og Robert Julian Yeatman (og illustrert av John Reynolds). Den ble først utgitt i 1931, og erklærer i sin "Compulsory Preface (This Means You)" at
History is now at an end (see p. 113) ; this History is therefore final.
På side 113 får man kapittel LXII, kalt "A Bad Thing":
America was thus clearly top nation, and History came to a .
Første kapittel forteller at
The first date in English History is 55 B.C., in which Julius Cæsar (the memorable Roman Emperor) landed, like all other successful invaders of these islands, at Thanet. This was in the Olden Days, when the Romans were top nation on account of their classical education, etc.
og fortsetter
Julius Cæsar was therefore compelled to invade Britain again the following year (54 B.C., not 56, owing to the peculiar Roman method of counting), and having defeated the Ancient Britions by unfair means, such as battering-rams, tortoises, hippocausts, centipedes, axes and bundles, set the memorable Latin sentence, ``Veni, Vidi Vici,'' which the Romans, who were all very well educated, construed correctly.
The Roman Conquest was, however, a Good Thing, since the Britons were only natives at the time.
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