This is primarily for my mother, to make her get her stuff together and join this, and I warn you: it will hold little to no interest for non-knitters. You know who you are.
From the beginning, I have been very sceptical of the whole web 2.0 experience. I have shunned Facebook, skirted around Twitter (except the occasional stalking moments now and again), never joined Bebo, Orkut or Hi5 and generally felt very good about staying as far from social networking sites as I could. But, perhaps to compensate, I have been steadily drawn to what I suppose are similar concepts that have a clear focus: Flickr (for photos), LastFM (for music), LibraryThing (for books), and finally Ravelry (for knitting).
That is not to say that I make the most of their networking possibilities (I am hopelessly shy around strangers, even on the internet); what they do provide, though, is an endless source of new and steadily more focused input on things that interest me in particular. But I was going to discuss

I heard about it ages ago, when NRK had a news piece on someone doing their master's or a doctorate on online knitting circles. It showed reworkings of the Marius sweater pattern into a geeky Space Invaders theme, and I realised fairly quickly that it would be a bad idea for me to look too closely at this before I finished my PhD. I did register, however, and found at least one very cute ...
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