It is Christmas Day, and since we got the presents thing over and done with last night (being generally Norwegian), we had plenty of spare time this morning. There was really only one thing to do:
Oh, yes.
Mary, who comes from a country where they close he schools down if there is white stuff falling from the sky, was happy frolicking (which is the
mot du jour).
And then we remembered our aikido training. Which is crucial when rolling down the hill and gaining the appropriate false high of vertigo.
We tried to introduce Mary to the concept.
It wasn't a complete failure. Mary is still alive.
Tor decided to show us how it's done.
Og meg!
Litt roligere enn Tor...
I am a little out of practice, though.
Having been attacked by ferocious projectiles of the snowy sort from Mary, Tor decided to respond in kind.
But they are both still alive. Really. Look!
They are actually doing the "Live Long and Prosper" sign from Star Trek. Such geeks.
And then we all went home and drank hot chocolate, and everyone agreed it had been a wonderful trip.
Happy Christmas!